Lumbar disc injury

neck physio Mornington

tWhat is a lumbar disc bulge?

The spine is composed of multiple vertebrae stacked on top of one another, separated by intervertebral discs. These discs act as cushions, absorbing shock and allowing flexibility in the spine. Each disc consists of a tough outer layer (annulus fibrosus) and a gel-like centre called the nucleus pulposus.

Disc bulges occurs when the nucleus pulposus is displaced, pushing outward through a weakened or damaged portion of the outer layer. The severity of the condition depends on the extent of the displacement, and it can be classified into four distinct stages (shown in the image below) Bulging; Protrusion; Extrusion and Sequestration.

 Symptoms of lumbar disc injury

  • Lower back pain
  • Muscle spasms in lumbar area
  • Difficulty with mobility
  • Neurological symptoms: Weakness or numbness may be present in the leg. The worse the bulge, the more likely this is. 
  • Sensory disturbances: A “pins and needles” sensation may radiate down the leg. The worse the bulge, the more likely this is. 


What to do & what to avoid

  • Don’t stress or worry – disc injuries are common and if you follow our advice, you’ll have a complete recovery 
  • Avoid sitting for long periods of time.
  • When you must sit, make sure you sit up straight 
  • Avoid lifting anything heavy in the first 3 months of your injury 
  • Don’t lift and twist your trunk, lift and then move your feet when you get back to normal activity which should be at about the 6-week mark.
  • Follow through with your exercises! You need to get your back stronger and better than it was pre-injury, so it doesn’t happen again. 
  • Be careful for about 3 months post-injury, and then having completed your Rehab program, you should have 100% confidence in your back and move naturally. 


What To expect (if you follow the right advice)

  • Severe pain in the first three days after onset 
  • Stiffness and soreness from day 4 to the 2-week mark 
  • You’ll feel pretty good from the two-week mark onwards, with stiffness and soreness that occurs with heavier activity which will cease entirely around the 6-week mark.  

How Physiotherapy can help

At LivFit Mornington, our physiotherapists are committed to guiding you through every stage of recovery. Our goal is to minimize your pain, restore function, and help you return to your normal daily activities. Below are some of the effective tools and techniques we may use to support your recovery:

  • Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques to improve mobility and reduce discomfort.
  • Massage and Dry Needling: To alleviate muscle tension and promote healing.
  • Taping: Providing support and reducing strain on affected areas.
  • Education and Advice: Helping you understand your condition and offering strategies for effective management.
  • Individualized Exercise Programs: Tailored exercises to strengthen the spine and surrounding muscles, improve posture, and enhance recovery.


Deep Sidhu

Physiotherapist, Bphty